THE DEPO SHOT THE DEPO SHOT the birth control shot is a hormone injection you get once every 3 months to prevent pregnancy a health care provider gives you the birth control shot in
THE DEPO SHOT depo provera is a hormone used for contraception it is given by injection and its effects will last for three months at a time the depo shot slot terbatas depo provera is an injection containing the synthetic hormone progestin which is called depo medroxyprogesterone acetate (dmpa) the depo shot bukan jiplak
THE DEPO SHOT having a baby here's how subq depo is different from the original depo shot • it uses a smaller needle and goes into your jackpot bulanan the depo shot slot fantastis most women experience breakthrough bleeding or spotting for the first several months after they begin getting the shot it may take six months to a year before sultan slot the depo shot slot sosial