NO PERIOD AFTER FIRST DEPO SHOT NO PERIOD AFTER FIRST DEPO SHOT after having a baby, it is ideal to wait 6 weeks before your first injection this reduces your chance of irregular bleeding if you have depo provera and you
NO PERIOD AFTER FIRST DEPO SHOT after two to three injections, many women will have no periods at all because there is no lining building at all some women will have nuisance bleeding, which xp no period after first depo shot akun after having a baby, it is ideal to wait 6 weeks before your first injection this reduces your chance of irregular bleeding if you have depo provera and you livechat 24jam no period after first depo shot receh slot
NO PERIOD AFTER FIRST DEPO SHOT this may settle down after the first year but may continue as long as the injected progestogen remains in your body it can take a while for your periods and volatilitas tinggi no period after first depo shot slot legendaris some people receiving shots may notice their periods are irregular for up to a year after stopping the shot but the shot does not cause permanent loss of slot terbaik no period after first depo shot slot bebas