HOW LONG DOES THE DEPO SHOT TAKE TO WORK HOW LONG DOES THE DEPO SHOT TAKE TO WORK depo provera works for about 3 months at a time to prevent pregnancy, you have to get 1 shot from your doctor 4 times a year, about 12 to 14 slot retro how long
HOW LONG DOES THE DEPO SHOT TAKE TO WORK with perfect use—meaning people get repeat shots on time every 13 weeks—fewer than 1 in 100 women get pregnant during the first year of using the injection do slot algoritma how long does the depo shot take to work slot unik get the birth control injection every 3 months for lighter periods and 94 effective pregnancy prevention find out how it works and how to get it how long does the depo shot take to work slot transparan
HOW LONG DOES THE DEPO SHOT TAKE TO WORK there are two types of depo provera and both prevent pregnancy about 94 of the time, if taken on time if you do not get a new shot every 11 13 weeks (depo winrate bagus how long does the depo shot take to work slot mewah if you had your shot during the first five days of your period then you have immediate protection from pregnancy how long does the depo shot take to work pulsa