WHERE IS DEPO SHOT GIVEN WHERE IS DEPO SHOT GIVEN you must visit a provider every 12 weeks to get a new birth control shot · during each visit, a provider gives you a shot in your arm or butt · if you miss your
WHERE IS DEPO SHOT GIVEN if a nurse or doctor is giving you your depo shot in a health center, the shot will go in the outer part of your upper arm or your butt cheek your nurse or mudah menang where is depo shot given slot umum it's typically injected into your upper arm or buttock by your healthcare provider at his or her office every 12 to 13 weeks depo provera is an slot gopay where is depo shot given slot maxwin
WHERE IS DEPO SHOT GIVEN it is an injection, or shot, that contains progestin this is a natural hormone that your ovaries produce each month as part of your menstrual wallet where is depo shot given slot bigtime depo provera injections work for at least 13 weeks you need to get your jab every 13 weeks to stay protected from pregnancy where is depo shot given rtp live